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March 1, 2023

Helgi Pétur Gunnarsson joins the Snerpa Power team as Senior Software Engineer

Íris Baldursdóttir
CEO & Co-founder

A warm welcome to Helgi, who has recently joined our team!

Helgi Pétur is an experienced software developer who has worked for the past 10 years as a software engineer at Landsnet, the TSO in Iceland, in their System Operations & IT Division, primarily developing and operating critical systems for Landsnet´s control room such as the Energy Management System and balancing market software. Prior to joining Landsnet, he held the position of software developer at Marorka, EVAN (European Virtual Anthropology Network, an EC funded project) and Marel.

Helgi Pétur holds a M.Sc. degree in Industrial Engineering from the University of Iceland and has continuously added to his knowledge base by attending various courses related to lean and secure software development in Iceland and abroad as well as self-learning by taking responsibility for complex and challenging tasks requiring problem solving by applying optimization techniques, mathematical modeling and new software languages.

In his free time, Helgi likes to analyze the chess board, either as a player himself or watching his daughters play and compete. We are certain that his strategic and logical way of thinking will benefit even Snerpa Power.

Helgi Pétur will collaborate closely with our customers as well as internal and external software developers in our next phase of product development.

We are certain that his strategic and logical way of thinking will benefit even Snerpa Power.

Íris Baldursdóttir
CEO & Co-founder
Íris Baldursdóttir
CEO & Co-founder

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