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May 9, 2022

Landsnet and SNERPA Power sign a Memorandum of Understanding for a pilot project

Íris Baldursdóttir
CEO & Co-founder

Landsnet and SNERPA Power have signed a Memorandum of Understanding for a pilot project aiming at connecting Power Intensive Users (PIUs) to Landsnet's market for ancillary services via SNERPA Power´s software platform and thereby facilitating their participation in the market. SNERPA Power is developing a software solution that automatically connects large users to the market through Landsnet's data hub and automates processes for load scheduling and bid generation.

Guðmundur Ingi Ásmundsson, CEO of Landsnet, says that the project is exciting and fits Landsnet's policy on the development of an active and competitive electricity market.  

"We at Landsnet are excited about the collaboration with SNERPA Power. Our priority is value creation for our community, customers and owners through system security, efficient operation of the transmission grid and maximization of electricity utilization. The pilot project with SNERPA Power is a great fit and offers new opportunities to make better use of the electricity resources and simultaneously increase competition in the market."

Íris Baldursdóttir, CEO of SNERPA Power, says that Landsnet is a very important partner in the development and operation of the software.

"We are very much looking forward to the collaboration with Landsnet. It is important to us at this stage of the project to eliminate risks and look for solutions in the beginning that are scalable for more users. A secure connection to Landsnet's market is a key factor in realizing SNERPA Power's plans and an important prerequisite for improved utilization of electricity resources and the competitiveness of the electricity market in Iceland. We want to empower Power Intensive Users to participate in the market and promote a green economy."

Further information on the collaboration can be obtained from Þorvaldur Jacobsen, Executive VP of Landsnet's System Operations, tel. 686 9111, and Íris Baldursdóttir, CEO of SNERPA Power, tel. 856 9312,

A secure connection to Landsnet's market is a key factor in realizing SNERPA Power's plans and an important prerequisite for improved utilization of electricity resources and the competitiveness of the electricity market in Iceland.

Íris Baldursdóttir
CEO & Co-founder
Íris Baldursdóttir
CEO & Co-founder

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