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June 20, 2022

Snerpa Power receives a grant from the sustainability fund of Landsbankinn

Íris Baldursdóttir
CEO & Co-founder

SNERPA Power was granted 2 MISK from Sjálfbærnisjóður Landsbankans among five other teams working on sustainable projects in Iceland. This is the first year of the sustainability fund and Landsbankinn decided to focus specifically on projects contributing to the energy transition.

Landsbankinn's sustainability fund is linked to two of the United Nations global goals for sustainable development that the bank is systematically working towards: No. 13., on actions in climate matters and no. 9, on innovation and development.

Landsbankinn has long been concerned with issues of social responsibility and sustainability. In recent years, they have placed an even greater emphasis on the issue, as it is the bank's policy to maximize the positive impact of its operations on the environment and society. It is therefore a great recognizion for Snerpa Power to be selected as one of the first to receive a grant from Landsbankinn's sustainability fund.

Photo above: Sara Pálsdóttir, Managing Director Community at Landsbankinn, Eyrún Linnet, Co—founder of Snerpa Power, Íris Baldursdóttir, Co-founder of Snerpa Power, at the award ceremony at Landsbankinn's headquarters in June 2022.

It is a great recognizion to be selected as one of the first to receive a grant from Landsbankinn´s sustainability fund.

Íris Baldursdóttir
CEO & Co-founder
Íris Baldursdóttir
CEO & Co-founder

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